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Reference:Polynesian Voyaging Society web site

■HOKULE'A Welcome Project in Suo-Oshima

Hokule’a at Oshima (updated May 18)

May 20

Welcome Ceremony.
(At Oshima National Collage of Marine Technology Dock)

Hokule’a will be relocated to Mukuno Harbor in the end of the day.

Hokule’a welcoming festival (Hula festival, Serving of the Hawai’i-Oshima
amalgamated cuisine “Jizakana Poke”, food court, vending of the Oshima’s
local products, Mochi-maki (spreading of Mochi) by crewmembers, fireworks,
Hokule’a Sketching Meeting by the children of Oshima.
Canoe tour.
(At Mukuno Harbor)

May 21
Nainoa Thompson’s workshop and lecture.
(At Oshima National Collage of Marine Technology Dock)

Hokule’a Sketching Meeting by the children of Oshima.
Canoe tour.
(At Mukuno Harbor)

May 22
Hokule’a Sketching Meeting by the children of Oshima.
(At Mukuno Harbor)

May 23
Departing Ceremony
(At Mukuno Harbor)

Tel/Fax: 0820-72-0088

■HULA Event

Hokule’a welcoming project headquarters at Oshima calls the group or person who wants to greet Hokule’a at Oshima.
Everyone who can do Hula can join them. If you want to join the Hula,

contact here.
Date: May 20, 15:00-18:00 (subject to change)
Place: Mukuno Harbor at the north side of Oshima
Tel/Fax: 0820-72-0088 E-mail:

Send e-mail with your name, phone-number, and number of the person who wants to join the Hula.

■schedule of Suo-Oshima
Arrival 20 May 2007
Departure 23 May 2007

Note: PVS(Polynesian Voyaging Society) Sail Plan